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Beowulf 2023 is the only camp in Upstate SC that captures teens’ imaginations and engages them in classic literature through sword fighting, leather working, giant puppet making, and theatre.

June 26-30, 10am-1pm at The Spinning Jenny in Greer

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Is this camp right for my teen?

Your teens will thrive in this camp if they


  • Love fantasy and adventure


  • Are open and enthusiastic about trying new experiences


  • Want to create--in fact, you find it hard to keep up with their creative impulses!


  • Are kind and welcoming to others (even if they’re shy)


  • Love learning through books and through action

Image by Michal Matlon

Historical European Martial Arts

Sword and Shield

Learn the art of war with a day dedicated to using a Viking-era shield and sword!




Image by La Compagnie Robinson


Beowulf-related Art

1. Leather working


2. Wood burning


3. Metal working


Image by Dan Burton


Stage Combat and Acting Games

Engage with each fight scene through acting games, stage combat, and scene work!

This year we are adding giant puppets to create a dragon.



In addition to the camp, you'll receive the following extras when you register:


  • An immediate downloadable study guide for Beowulf

  • 10% off all other camps and classes in 2022

  • Hard copy and digital tutorials for each craft learned in the camp


1. Does my teen have to read Beowulf to go to this camp?  


No, but I highly recommend reading it before camp. The camp isn't a substitute for the real thing! However, I will go over each section in a way that allows non-readers to fully understand the epic.


2. What translation should we read?


The Seamus Heaney translation


3. I have very smart 9-11 year-olds. May they attend?


Please send them to the Viking Camp. I have discovered that this age range doesn't usually have the fine motor skills for the type of leather work we will do in camp. 


4. Why do you keep doing a Beowulf Camp?


I like to refine and add! 


5. Will you be doing other camps?


Yes! I'm adding a Medieval/Renaissance Camp this year.






6. What should my teens wear?


Close-toed shoes and movement-oriented clothing. â€‹


7. What are your COVID rules?


Don't send campers with a fever or consistent sneezing/coughing or any other communicable disease symptoms.  Masks aren't required, but they aren't discouraged. 


8. Do you offer refunds? 


Due to the cost of materials for each camper, no. However, the cost may be transferred to another camp or workshop.​


9. Should they bring something to eat?




10. What should the parents do during camp?


Get coffee at Barista Alley, explore Greer, nap...​


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